St Andrew Old Girls Association UK Chapter
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The UK Chapter was founded in 1990, partly to allow former St Andrew girls living in Britain to meet socially and also to raise funds for the School which gave us all so much.
Over the years, the chapter has sent more than £45,000, to pay for musical instruments, laboratory and computer equipment, repairs to the fabric of the school, and in particular, to help students by contributing to the Welfare Fund and instituting annual bursaries. In 2022, we created an annual scholarship in memory of the late Joan Roscoe (nee Chang) for science students.
Members live all over the UK – from Edinburgh to Devon – but meetings are usually held in London.
Executive 2022/23:
- Marie Whitbread (nee Baugh) – Chair
- Sharon Lindahn (nee Allison) – Treasurer
- Mellissa Cooper – Secretary
- Karel Bukola (nee Newsome) – Social Media and Engagement Officer
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