PARENTS - An Enduring Partnership
St. Andrew High gives your child one of the best opportunities for a quality secondary school education. This opportunity carries with it the responsibility for each parent and guardian to support and maintain an active interest not just in academics but in all aspects of your girls’ education – sports teams, clubs and societies, school activities and most importantly your Parent Teacher’s Association (PTA).
Active membership in the PTA is essential to the development and maintenance of the high spiritual, academic, athletic and social standards of the young ladies of the future, our daughters.
All St. Andrew parents and guardians are members of the PTA working to:
- Foster co-operation between school and home for the welfare of our girls;
- Acquaint parents with teachers and with school rules and standards;
- Encourage discussions and exchange viewpoints on nurturing our girls.

Your PTA Executive guides a focused group of committees or volunteer teams working in close collaboration with the Principal, teachers, Board of Management, the SAHS Foundation and the alumnae to assure the school’s maintenance and successful development. Browse through this list and plan to join one of our 11 volunteer committees to be actively involved in school life.
The Parent Welfare Committee and the Grade Representative Committee. You will find these and other parent resources useful and of interest.