Past Principal, Mrs Sharon Reid recaps the 90th Anniversary Homecoming Week, April 10-16, 2016.

The 90th Anniversary Homecoming Week now forms part of the rich reservoir of memorable occasions that we are privileged to share as a school family and what a wonderfully fulfilling week we have had.
On Sunday April 10, the Thanksgiving Service held in the Margaret Gartshore Hall was well attended and Old Girl Pastor, Dr. Allison Iton gave a most inspiring message based on our Anniversary Theme. The Brunch which followed in the Garden Theatre was simply thrilling and the light intermittent showers which persisted throughout the afternoon could in no way dampen the spirits of the wide cross section of St. Andrew Family m
embers who were in attendance. We thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company as well as the food and the entertainment. This was indeed a fitting start to what would prove to be an amazing week.
Our Maintain the Legacy March through Half Way Tree on Tuesday April 12, 2016, was very well organised and it made a powerful statement to the community of St. Andrew High’s sterling contribution to education over the past 90 years and our determination to continue to be a beacon for years to come. The students participated enthusiastically and I believe that the experience has had a positive impact on all who were involved.
The Literary Evening hosted by the Emrie James Museum was a unique experience and the feast of talent displayed by the Old Girls who read from their original works was simply gratifying. The fact that the museum has on record, information on the writings of 100 published authors who are past students of this institution is indeed fascinating. The audience was also delighted with the readings of an excerpt from the Pantomime “Annie”done by current students who are members of the Drama Club.
On Wednesday it was up to Stony Hill for another fabulous Evening hosted bySAOGA. I believe that there was representation from almost every generation of students that have passed through the hallowed halls of this institution. The ambience was breath taking and the camaraderie was great.
Thursday’s Education Conference held in the Margaret Gartshore Hall saw representatives from all stakeholder groups coming together to hold meaningful discussions on the way forward for the institution. Guided by the theme: “Maintaining the Legacy: Impacting the Future”, our panelists provided useful information which stimulated serious thought and resulted in active participation from the audience. Several relevant questions were posed by the student representatives who were in attendance.
Open Day on Friday April 15 went very well. The numerous displays mounted by the various departments were interesting and revealed the wealth of resources available to students here at St. Andrew High, as well as the wide range of talent and abilities that exist within the school community. The students certainly appreciated the rap sessions with the Old Girls at the start of the day. The Minister of Education attended the Opening Ceremony in the afternoon and then toured the exhibition centers. He stated how impressed he was with the displays as well as the overall achievements of St. Andrew High. We are very pleased with the turnout of stakeholders who visited the campus throughout the day.
The Gala in the Garden at Devon House on Saturday April 16 was a very classy event and everyone who attended was “blown over” by the fantastic decor. The setting was beautiful and the support was great. It was indeed a grand finale to what can only be described as a superb week of activities all stamped with the signature of excellence for which St. Andrew is well known.
We are pleased that former Principal Miss Joan Reader was able to be present at some of the activities while former Principal’s Secretary Miss Emrie James came from Mandeville to spend the week in Kingston in order to be able to attend most of the events.
I must extend heartiest congratulations to The Chair of the 90th Anniversary Committee Mrs. Maxine Henry-Wilson and her team for their hard work and sustained efforts which began two years ago with our first meeting in April 2014. To all the stakeholder groups involved, The SAHS Foundation, Old Girls Association, Staff, PTA, Student Body and friends, a very big thank you for your input. The many hours lovingly invested in the planning of this year-long celebration have certainly paid good dividends.