SAOGA Executive 2015/16

SAOGA 2015.2016 Exec. pic

Front (L–R): Keeva Beach-Ingram – Teacher Representative; Marlize McCartney – School Board Rep.; Bianca Welds – Secretary & 80s Year Group Coordinator; Judith Ramlogan – VP Membership; Petagaye Givans – President and Foundation Board Rep.; Nicole Marshall-Walker – VP Finance; Laura Levy – VP School Affairs; Michelle Lawe – Treasurer; and Karen Day – Asst. Treasurer.

Back Row (L-R): Sharon Nelson – Asst. PRO & PTA Rep.; Sally Carter – Public Relations Officer; and Debby Livingstone – Asst. Secretary & Database Laision.


Elected Members: Chequira Castriota; Althea Bell-Grant; Glen Lee; Michelle Chin Lenn; Dahlia Gillings McBean Decade Champion / Year Group Coordinator; and Janyce Robinson.

Co-opted Members: Karen Henry – Saint Award Coordinator; Ruth Jankee – 70s Year Group Coordinator; Carrol Chin Lenn – Carol Service Coordinator; Camille Parchment; Andrea Chin See; Madge Shirley – 50s & 60s Year Group Coordinator; Sybil Thompson – 80s Year Group Coordinator; Sandra Williams; and Sandie Williams.

SAOGA Executive 2014/15

SAOGA Exec 2014-15

Front (L–R): Michelle Ferguson, Lanie-Marie Oakley-Williams – VP Membership; Petagaye Givans – 1st VP Finance; Nicole Marshall-Walker –President; Anya Thompson – VP School Affairs; Cornelia Shaw – Asst. PRO; Donna Francis; Stacy-Ann Barnes – Asst. Secretary.

Back Row (L-R): Audria Barrett- Doyley – Teacher Rep; Marlize McCartney – School Board Rep; Opal Hibbert –Treasurer; Sally Carter – Secretary; Laura Levy – PRO; Glen Lee; Althea Bell- Grant – Asst. Treasurer.

MISSING FROM PHOTO:  Elected Members: Christina Castriota, Caroline Dyche, Sybil Thompson and Samantha Williams.  Co-opted Members: Yvette Boothe-Smith, Dacia Brown-Davis, Michelle Chin Lenn, Karen Henry (IPP), Camille Parchment and Karlene Smith-Brown 

SAOGA Executive 2013-14:

SAOGA EXEC2013-4Close

front row (l-r): Chequira Castriota, Sybil Thompson, Michelle Chin Lenn, Karen Henry, Opal Hibbert;

second row (l-r): Lilieth Brown, Dacia Brown-Davis, Lanie Oakley-Williams, Sally Carter, Nicole Marshall-Walker, Marlize McCartney, Petagaye Givans, Camille Parchment;

third row (l-r): Candice Neil,Caroline Dyche, Laura Levy, Debby Livingston, Audria Barrett-Doyley,

missing: Glen Lee, Collete Myrie, Christine McKen, Pamela Munroe-Ellis

SAOGA Executive 2012-13


front row (l-r): Lilieth Brown, Candice Neil, Karen Henry, Nicole Marshall-Walker, Anya Thompsonsecond row (l-r): Audria Barrett-Doyley, Laura Levy, Glen Lee, Michelle Chin Lenn, Opal Hibbert, Trudi-Ann Howe, Camille Parchment, Nadia Johnson, Sherian MacDonald, Caroline Dyche, Collete Myrie, Sally Carter, Christine McKen, Petagaye Givans

2011-2012 Executive

SAOGA Exec12

2010-2011 Executive

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2009-2010 Executive
