Fay Saunders Counselling Centre

Open Monday-Friday, 8am-3pm. 876-920-1612

Email guidance@sahs.edu.jm

IMG_6355We all need helpful guidance and a non-judgemental ear from time to time –  the Fay Saunders Counselling Centre is the place for this.

Staffed with professional and confidential guidance counsellors, the Centre is an important and well used resource for students and parents/guardians.

The Centre hosts career expos, parent forums and monthly displays on a variety of topics. Parents/guardians are always encouraged to stop by for any of these activities.

You can speak confidentially to a counsellor about a host of subjects such as:

  • Your career goals
  • Personal issues with family, friends or in your community
  • Grief, stress, anxiety, family separation
  • Financial assistance

We know that some issues are easier to talk about with  your own age group. Peer Counsellors are also available as extensions of the counselling department. This team of young counsellors are trained to offer peer counselling on a range of issues. If you are interested in being a peer counsellor, please speak to the Counselling Centre.