Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
BYOD is an innovative adaptation of technology at SAHS introduced by immediate past principal, Mrs. Sharon Reid. BYOD was shared with the Ministry of Education and adapted by other schools and fortunately placed SAHS ahead of the curve in online learning and teaching.
The “aha” moment for us as a staff came at the end of 2009 when, in our discussions, we came to the conclusion that many of those who we were labeling as reluctant learners were simply not engaged because they were not interested in the way we were teaching and we recognised that we had to do something about the delivery of instruction in the school.
The focus for the next three years 2009 -10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 therefore was ‘Understanding and Responding Positively to the Needs of the 21st Century Learner’. And as we sought to understand the learning needs of these young people entrusted to us it became very, very clear that their world was steeped in technology and therefore to engage them, educators must get comfortable with the use of technology and infuse this into the delivery of instruction.